Hi. I'm Byron Yee and this is my blog. More can found out about me at my website, www.paperson.com.
I've had this for a year or so but haven't been compelled to put anything up until now. I'm actually doing this to document my involvement/participation so far in Situation: Comedy, the reality show upcoming on Bravo in 2005.
As of this moment, I am in the top ten (or better known as Round 3) of the nearly 7,000 scripts that were submitted for the contest. I'm using this blog to document what happens to me in case I make it to the final two and have my pilot shot (as a 15 minute "presentation"). I have submitted my background questionnaire to the production company and am hoping that I make it to Round 4 where five of us will "pitch" the show to the Producers and Executives of which they will pick two finalists. I suspect I will hear back within a few days whether or not I make it to the top five.
Let me start off by saying that my submission into the contest was "Plan B" for the script I wrote. Two years ago I moved to LA from SF with the intent of putting on my one man show "Paper Son" and to try to get interest from the networks.
It took a year of planning and "Paper Son" made its LA debut in the September of 2003 at the now defunct Gascon Center Theatre in Culver City. I had hired a publicist who was able to sell the show to the press and I got Sunday calendar coverage out of the LA Times as well as reviews from most of the major press. (Again, go to www.paperson.com and you'll see what I generated).
I was able to get one development executive from one of the major networks to see my show. In late November I met with him/her and his/her staff in a "meet and greet" where I was invited to come up with a treatment for a comedy that they would take a look at.
After several months, I realized the only way to come up with the treatment was to write the pilot itself. The pilot that I wrote for myself is NOT an adaptation of "Paper Son". I sent the treatment in and then called the office after the upfronts were announced. I was invited to have a meeting and pitch my idea.
At that point, I got quite a bit of help from interested parties and had a couple of meetings with a producer and a development executive at one of the studios. But pretty much, no one would take it on so my only shot was to take the pilot directly to the network level. By the way, I went about this backwards - but that's another discussion.
My meeting with the network executive was in late September. As an afterthought, I submitted my script to "Situation: Comedy" prior to the September 18th deadline.
I had my meeting with the network which was quite short since I had the script in hand and there wasn't really that much more to pitch. They seemed to be genuinely interested in it and said they would get back to me.
On Thursday, October 14th, as I was driving through downtown Las Vegas on my way to my in-laws, I got a call from "Amy" informing me that I had made it to Round 2 and that a questionnaire as well as a 3 minute video was due back at their offices by Tuesday, October 19th. I shot the video in Las Vegas and walked in the Round 2 application to the office that Monday.
Late in the day on Friday, October 22nd, I received another call from "Phillip" and "Jeff" informing me that I was in the top ten (Round 3) and that a detailed background questionnaire was due to them by Monday, October 25th. They have since asked for references and depending upon the background checks, I suspect that if I make it to the next round, I'll hear something by the end of the week.
So that's it for now. If I make it further, I will post more about my script and what it's about.
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