New York Fringe Festival Diary - Day 1
. . . . the housekeeper was not there to get me into the sublet. Phone call. No answer. Left message. Phone call. Left page back number. It's 9:00am and the sun is beating down on me. My cell phone is almost out. Before I left LA, I bought a NFT for New York guide and on the next street was Ciao on 12th where I sat down, bought an orange juice and couple of waters, charged my cell phone, and booted up the laptop. I e-mailed the owner and tried to call the housekeeper again.
The landlord called me back and we tried to figure out how to get me the keys. I got back to the apartment where we found someone who buzzed me in and I dumped my bags at the apartment door and headed back out again.
Got to the 14th & 1st subway station, bought a monthly pass, went back up and took the 14 bus crosstown to check out the Fringe venue when the housekeeper called me. There was an emergency and she was in Jersey. About an hour and a half later, I finally made it inside. It was noon.
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